1989 – It was the year the microprocessor was introduced to the world, ‘the little mermaid’ came to our screens, Five-time world middleweight champion Sugar Ray Robinson dies and The Roman Empire was born!
Offering an array of custom made products to the soft furnishing industry and combined with years of product knowledge in manufacturing, wholesale and retail – we had a strong insight as to what you, the consumer required and it wasn’t long before our products were in high demand.
With strong and dedicated management, staff and sales teams, we have grown from these humble beginnings to an innovative company setting new standards for others to follow and at The Roman Empire we are proud to be aligned with some of the worlds leading textile and blind hardware manufacturers, which in turn enables us to offer you the highest quality systems, fabrics and automation available on the market today.
The Roman Empire and our associated products can now be found in outlets throughout Australia as well as New Zealand, Vanuatu, Singapore, Japan, France, Holland and yes – even Romania and our list of satisfied customers just keeps growing.
I thank you for taking the time to consider The Roman Empire for your project and I am certain when you receive your Roman Empire product you will be as proud of your purchase as our team have been in producing it.
Remember to always look for The Roman Empire Label on your product- it’s your guarantee for quality.

Don Hailes, Managing Director

Get in touch with Roman Empire
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1989 – It was the year the microprocessor was introduced to the world,
‘the little mermaid’ came to our screens, Five-time world middleweight
champion Sugar Ray Robinson dies and The Roman Empire was born!
© 2018 Roman Empire